Musings of a Programmer

Rarely-used blog of Dan Harper.
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  1. Installing Raspbian
  2. Auto-Mounting USB Drives
  3. Transmission
  4. SickBeard
  5. CouchPotato
  6. MiniDLNA
  7. Samba

Just pick an OS for your Pi (I'm using Raspbian), and follow the instructions for your machine to flash an SD card with the OS:

You don't need to connect your Pi to a display or keyboard to set it up, you can instead set it up via SSH. Just hook up the ethernet, power it on, find the IP it's been assigned via your router's web interface, and ssh pi@ip-address-here - the default password is raspberry.

You can run sudo raspi-config to run Pi's initial configuration screen.

You'll then want to update the package list, and upgrade them all:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install vim # most important one ;)

This post is more of a reminder to myself than anything.