Musings of a Programmer

Rarely-used blog of Dan Harper.
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  1. Installing Raspbian
  2. Auto-Mounting USB Drives
  3. Transmission
  4. SickBeard
  5. CouchPotato
  6. MiniDLNA
  7. Samba

Identify the drive, in this case it's /dev/sda1 with a UUID of E033-1109 and type FAT:

sudo blkid

# /dev/sda1: LABEL="ELEMENTS" UUID="E033-1109" TYPE="vfat"

Create a dir it will be mounted at:

sudo mkdir /mnt/usbel

Own it:

sudo chown -R pi:pi /mnt/usbel

You could manually mount it

sudo mount -o uid=pi -o gid=pi -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbel

But let's auto-mount it instead:

sudo vim /etc/fstab

Add add the following line to the bottom, it should all be on one line:

UUID=E033-1109 /mnt/usbel vfat auto,users,rw,uid=1000,gid=100,umask=0002 0 0

We're mounting the drive by its UUID to ensure we always get the correct drive. We're setting `rw` to allow read-write permissions, `uid=1000` sets the user to "pi" (see the `id` command), `gid=100` sets the group to "users" (again, see the `id` command) and `umask=0002` sets `rwxrwxr-x` permissions on the mount.

_For more details on the possible permissions, see [What is umask]( and [fstab permissions explained](

We can reapply our mounts with `sudo mount -a` before we `sudo reboot`.

I had issues where this just wouldn't mount on reboot. I'd have to `sudo mount -a` manually. I found a [few]( [different]( [threads]( where Raspberry Pi 2 users were encountering the same issues, which seems to be caused by a bug in Linux/Debian. A permanent fix will apparently be in Debian's "Jessie" release, but until then adding a _delay_ works to give the USB drive to initialise:

sudo vi /mount/cmdline.txt

Add to the end (others report `5` works, but I needed to up it to `10`):
