Musings of a Programmer

Rarely-used blog of Dan Harper.
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Update: Now the preliminary documentation is out for Laravel 4, it seems there is a simple way to throw 404 errors:



You can then catch this error by registering a missing handler in app/start/global.php:

App::missing(function($exception) {
    return Response::make(
    , 404);

However, read on through the original post below for examples on how to register custom Exceptions you can throw to improve your application's flow.

Original Post: Perhaps this will change before Laravel 4 is officially released, but I can't find any simple way to throw, for example, a 404 Not Found exception.

Here's a clean solution.

Create a new file inside app/ named exceptions.php. In here, we'll define any exceptions. For a small app I'm working on, I require a "Not Found" and "Not Allowed" exceptions:

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;

class NotFoundException extends NotFoundHttpException {}
class NotAllowedException extends Exception {}

We now need to load require this file with Composer. Open up composer.json and under autoload.classmap, add in app/exceptions.php, like so:

  "require": {
    "illuminate/foundation": "1.2.*"
  "autoload": {
    "classmap": [
  "minimum-stability": "dev"

Don't forget to composer dumpautoload from the terminal.

Now you're free to throw your NotFoundException and NotAllowedException in your controllers.

class JobsController extends BaseController {
  public function show($id) {
    if ( ! $job = Job::find($id)) {
      throw new NotFoundException;

    return View::make('jobs/show')->with('job', $job);

Finally, we need to define error handlers for these exceptions. Inside app/start/global.php, add the following inside the "Application Error Handler" section:

// ...

App::error(function(NotFoundException $exception, $code) {
  return Response::make(View::make('errors/404'), 404);

App::error(function(NotAllowedException $exception, $code) {
  return Redirect::to('/')
    ->with('error', 'You do not have permission to do that');

When a NotFoundException is thrown, we're displaying the view at app/views/errors/404. We're passing this through the Response class so that we can specify the HTTP Status Code as 404.

When a NotAllowedException is thrown, we're redirecting back to the home page, with an error message.

There's a debate over whether you should raise exceptions as part of your application flow. Personally, I'm a fan of it for this use-case.